Timeless Elegance: Porcelain Inlays for Every Era
Restorative dentistry aims to repair and rebuild your damaged tooth structure to restore oral function and appearance. Several dental restorations can be used according to your preferences and oral health needs.
The family dentist in Toledo, OH can offer a wide range of dental restorations but has excellent expertise in porcelain inlays. Keep reading to know everything about porcelain inlays to be well-informed.
What are porcelain inlays?
Porcelain inlays are dental restorations that help repair teeth that have been damaged by decay or trauma. They are customized in a dental laboratory for precisely within the prepared cavity of a tooth and are bonded to the tooth surface using dental cement.
Porcelain inlays are made of high-quality dental ceramic material that closely resembles natural tooth enamel in color and translucency. This makes them aesthetically more appealing for restoring teeth in visible areas of the mouth.
When are porcelain inlays indicated?
Porcelain inlays are typically used to restore teeth with moderate to large cavities, or areas of damage that cannot be effectively repaired with dental fillings. These revolutionary restorations provide a durable, and long-lasting solution for restoring the strength, function, and appearance of the tooth
How are porcelain inlays fabricated and placed?
The process of placing a porcelain inlay involves two dental appointments.
- During the first appointment, your dentist will prepare the tooth by eliminating the decayed or damaged tissues and shaping the cavity to accommodate an inlay.
- Next, an oral impression of the prepared tooth will be taken and sent to a dental laboratory, where the inlay will be custom-made to fit the tooth precisely.
- While your permanent inlay is being fabricated, your dentist will provide a temporary restoration to protect the tooth.
- During the second appointment, this temporary crown will be removed and permanent porcelain inlays will be placed.
How are porcelain inlays maintained?
Porcelain inlays may only require routine oral hygiene practices, including brushing twice daily, flossing at least once daily, and regular dental checkups. Avoid excessive pressure on the restored tooth, such as chewing hard objects or biting nails. This can prolong the lifespan of the restoration.
Overall, porcelain inlays are effective and affordable, aesthetically pleasing options for restoring damaged teeth and preserving oral health. If you have a tooth that requires restoration, consult your dentist to determine if a porcelain inlay is the right treatment for you. These revolutionary restorations can be saviors to your oral problems, thereby improving your quality of life.